What is happening to the Forest? Who’s protecting it now?
I read an article today (Replanting The Rainforest.Org) that mentioned despite conservation efforts, deforestation continues at an alarming rate of 50,193 square miles per year which equals to approximately 36 football fields a minute! Can you imagine?
So, is anyone asking WHY? Is it possible to stop this momentum of devastation? Given the rate at which climate change is happening, no country can afford to neglect its forests.
Deputy Director General of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Dr. Jackson said “the continued global decline in forest area and quality, particularly in the tropics, has serious social, economic and ecological consequences.” He does see hope for forests in the urgency of tackling global warming. He stated, “We must seize this moment to promote the sustainable management of forests and to develop sustainable livelihoods for the people who depend on forests.”