Focusing On The Conservation of Ecosystems, Habitats & Wildlife

Snake Spits Out New Species of Chameleon At Scientist's Feet

This is a GREAT fun story on how a conservationist from York University discovered a new Magombera chameleon species in Tanzania!

Dr. Andrew Marshall was studies monkeys in the jungle in the Magombera forest in Tanzania when he stumbled across a twig snake (which at the time was eating the chameleon). Startled by Marshall, the snake coughed up the chameleon and took off into the forest. While looking over the dead chameleon, Marshall suspected it might be a new species and took a photograph. A short time later, Marshall discovered the same species approximately 6 miles from the original finding. He photographed that creature and has published his findings formally on record in November of 2009.

Marshall is hoping to persuade the Tanzanian authorities in protecting this area of the forest which the chameleon was found. To read this entire article CLICK HERE or on the photo below.

New Species of Chameleon found in Tanzania by Dr. Andrew Marshall: Photo taken by Dr. Andrew Marshall of York University

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