Focusing On The Conservation of Ecosystems, Habitats & Wildlife

World Water Day 2012

International World Water Day is held annually on March 22 as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.


FAQ:  (Found On UN Water Website)

– Why is water a key to food security?

– How much water is needed to produce our food? 

– How is the global demand for food evolving?

– How does water scarcity affect our food security?

– What effect does climate change have on our food security?

– Is the competition for water increasing?

– How has the Green Revolution degraded our land and water
while allowing to supply more food?

– But can we produce more food with less water?

– Can we re-use and recycle water in food production?

– How can we protect this precious resource?

– How can we prepare for climate changes and natural disasters?

– Are there ways to improve the integration of different food production systems and increase water productivity?

– Finally, how can we reduce the waste?

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